Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Our new addition, Ella May was such a good traveler on the way to Milwaukee and MN this weekend! She kept trying to sneak to the front seat to be by her sister mia.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A Good Dog Never Dies. . .
A good dog never dies, he always stays,
he walks besides you on crisp autumn days
when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near,
his head within our hand in his old way.
-Mary Carolyn Davies
he walks besides you on crisp autumn days
when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near,
his head within our hand in his old way.
-Mary Carolyn Davies
Monday, December 10, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Working Dogs for Charity
The Newfoundland dogs have been helping to deliver Christmas trees in festive style at Dalby, near Pickering.The dogs have been pulling wooden carts carrying Christmas trees from the nearby forest and bringing them to customers’ cars, as part of a special fund-raising project.Coordinated by the dog owners’ charity Aqua Nova Bears, the Newfoundlands – which belong to to the organisation’s members – have become Santa’s little helpers to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service.
For a Friend
Sending prayers and good thoughts to my friend who lost his beloved girl, Gambler yesterday due to heart failure. It's truly amazing how powerful having a dog is to our well being. Please hug your dog today and every day because before you know it, time runs out. Life is precious. ~jeanette
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
And you ask why you should adopt....
Watch at your own risk. This is still happening. Don't Shop...ADOPT!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Welcome to Your Forever Family
We are so excited to announce that the stinky princess, Mia Pia, has a new adopted 6 month old Great Dane sister and bff named Ella May <3
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Protect Your Pet This Winter!
Protect Your Dog From Those Cold Winter Months: 9 Tips That Can Help
6. If your dog is accustomed to living the good life indoors,don't allow him to stay outside for extended periods of time in cold weather.
7. Make sure your dog has a warm, draft-free place to sleep. Since warm air rises, offering him a bed off the floor will add extra warmth and comfort for winter dreaming.
8. Don't allow your dog to be off leash in a snowstorm or ice storm. If he gets lost, he will not be able to use his sense of smell to find his way home.
Cold, frigid weather presents the same problems for pets as it does for some humans. If your dog is uncomfortable in the cold, expect him to shiver or hold up his paws as he walks. Left outside for extended periods of time, your dog can
experience frostbite or hypothermia.
experience frostbite or hypothermia.
Look for discoloring of the skin, especially on the ear tips and other extremities. If you find any signs, contact your
veterinarian. Salt or other ice-melting chemicals as well as antifreeze can be extremely hazardous and life-threatening
for the dog that ingests them. Road salt also can cause sores if it becomes lodged between your dog's footpads.
veterinarian. Salt or other ice-melting chemicals as well as antifreeze can be extremely hazardous and life-threatening
for the dog that ingests them. Road salt also can cause sores if it becomes lodged between your dog's footpads.
Dogs at risk from the cold and winter-related hazards, whether they live indoors or out, need special care.
Here are a few tips:
1. Place a flannel sheet over your dog's bed for extra warmth.
2. To keep warm, your dog may like to sleep on floor heating vents that can catch the identification tags attached to his collar. If your dog likes to snooze over a floor vent, put his tags in a Pet Pocket, which attaches to his collar.
3. In cold weather, your dog will need more energy to fight the cold in the form of extra calories, so don't be afraid to offer him additional food in the winter.
4. Be sure to wipe off your dog's paws when he comes in from the outside to prevent salt and other chemicals from sticking to her feet.
5. Keep antifreeze out of your dog's reach, and be sure to
clean up any that may have spilled in the garage or driveway.
clean up any that may have spilled in the garage or driveway.
6. If your dog is accustomed to living the good life indoors,don't allow him to stay outside for extended periods of time in cold weather.
7. Make sure your dog has a warm, draft-free place to sleep. Since warm air rises, offering him a bed off the floor will add extra warmth and comfort for winter dreaming.
8. Don't allow your dog to be off leash in a snowstorm or ice storm. If he gets lost, he will not be able to use his sense of smell to find his way home.
9. If your dog is short-haired, elderly, or sensitive to the cold, even for short walks, consider purchasing a sweater for
him to wear in cold weather.
him to wear in cold weather.
Copyright 2012 by Browning Direct, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
All Rights Reserved.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Mornings are tough at our house. I'm pretty sure I own the laziest dog in America. Sometimes I can't even get her out of bed to go potty! I'm pretty sure that if I let her pee on herself she would, just so she wouldn't have to go outside in the cold. I feel like this doesn't even touch the reality of what kids are like in the morning. My mom had to bribe us with three stooges on TV or a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I remember being so tired in the morning that I didn't think I would survive the day! I wonder if that's how Mia feels.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Vintage Photo Friday!!
Great Dane called Hermie is a Great Dane and is often taken for walks by three year old Emma Rich-1980
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Do You Have A Dog Biscuit in Your Pants?
The crotch sniffing needs to stop!
The moment of embarrassment: Your having a nice conversation with the new neighbor when out of the blue your dog walks up and shoves her nose into their crotch! I can feel the heat rise to my head, nervous giggle, turning red, apology.....get me out of here!
Needless to say, the new neighbor does not appreciate the familiarity. It’s not very pleasant when your dog does it to you, either. But why do dogs do it? What makes your dog, shove her nose where it doesn’t belong and try to take a good long whiff like she's never seen you before?
Well, unlike humans, dogs rely on their keen sense of smell to tell them a great deal about the world. It’s estimated that dogs have 220 million sense receptors in their nostrils. Humans have a mere five million. They can tell a lot more about the world by smelling than we can. When a dog wants to really “know” something, instinct and experience have taught him to smell a thing.
Not only does your dog rely on his nose to know a thing, but canine social interaction teaches him that it’s polite to get to know other dogs from the rear first. If dogs meet face to face for the first time it can be dangerous.That’s where the teeth are. It’s wiser to take things slowly and meet head to tail. So dogs greeting each other for the first time sniff each other’s behinds.This is more than simply being polite. They can tell a lot of information about each other by smelling each other’s bottoms. A dog’s anal glands are located in the rear. Anal glands give off lots of scent for marking. By smelling this scent dogs can get an idea of the other dog’s age, health, sex and other important information. They can tell things like his attitude and whether the other dog is hostile to him. This kind of dog behavior goes right back to their wolf ancestors and it’s very ingrained so it’s no wonder that dogs tend to use similar behavior when they meet other animals and people.They look for the smelliest part of other animals to get an idea of their status and intentions.
Thus, when dogs meet people they see no reason why they shouldn’t go for the crotch and check it out. Your dog is merely behaving the way he behaves around other animals and other dogs. People may not have anal glands but your dog is looking for a place on the body that does contain a high proportion of human scent glands. Your dog can tell a lot about a person by sniffing in such a personal place. It’s no reflection on the person and not any sign that the person is “smelly.” Your dog is just being a normal, nosy dog and looking for personal information. They say that curiosity killed the cat but dogs are probably even nosier. They don’t seem to believe that humans have any right to privacy. They are just checking on you, making sure things haven’t changed since the last time they checked.
Of course, dogs don’t “have” to get so up close and personal to be able to tell a lot about you. It’s more of a bad habit. They are perfectly able to smell all they want about your personal parts from some distance away. You can teach your dog to give a more polite greeting (in human terms). You can teach your dog to sit when he starts to sniff you, or to sniff a hand instead of your crotch. However, you shouldn't try to punish your dog for sniffing crotches. Your dog will probably be confused if you yell at him or punish him for doing something that seems so natural to him. Teaching your dog to do something more acceptable instead is usually a better approach. You can distract them with a noise, a squeaky, or a treat and start teaching them the substitute behavior.
Any comments or funny stories? Leave them below. :)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Soi Dog Movie
This is from 2011:
The Soi Dog Foundation (SDF) is pleased to announce the release of the full-length feature documentary Soi Dogs, produced by Environment Films. You may view a 3 minute trailer of the film above. The 66-minute documentary is far from the standard charity campaign film. Although it does give an insight into the day-to-day challenges of the foundation, it is also a human story, one that combines tragedy and compassion with humour and excitement. It is inspirational and involving throughout and is suitable for the entire family to watch.
The documentary enjoyed its premiere screening at Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London, and received a standing ovation from the capacity audience and is now available for ordering online! (please see ordering details at the bottom of this page). The movie made it's southern hemisphere debut in Melbourne, Australia in January of 2010 and raised over $12,000 dollars in donations. If you might be interested in hosting a regional showing of the movie please contact us at
Director Ella Todd describes her time with the foundation as: "A wonderful strain. During filming, we saw dogs that had been shot, attacked by machetes, even set on fire, yet these stoic animals still managed to find trust in people. We saw first-hand what a remarkable charity the SDF is: A charity full of hope and one that is making significant progress and a real difference, not only to the individual dogs but also the bigger picture. Soi Dogs is a combination human-and-animal story and is designed to inspire, not disturb. Had we produced a film that solely depicts the reality of the suffering that the dogs endure, sadly we wouldn't have an audience. We are delighted by the response the documentary has so far received and are confident that having watched it, people will reach out even farther to help those that in Thailand are considered a nuisance but who in the West we consider our best friends.
"Leaving the UK to retire to Thailand sounds like a dream, but a dream can quickly become a nightmare, and paradise can turn on you in a second. Following key members of Soi Dog carrying out their daily responsibilities, this documentary is a testament to their valour, compassion and dedication in helping the estimated 20,000 dogs living wild in Phuket. Faced with horror and inhumanity each day, the foundation's managers battle on regardless, but when adversity turns into incomprehensible personal tragedy, is their will strong enough to fight another day?"
Friday, October 26, 2012
Happy Birthday Stinky Princess
Today is Mia's 6th Birthday! I can remember the day I saw her at the Naples FL Humane Society...she was 7 months old and 40lbs and I knew she was meant for me :) For the last 5 years she has been the best part of my day, always making me laugh and constantly amazing me with her unique personality. She has encouraged my passion for spreading the word about "used" and unwanted pets and adopting shelter animals. "Someone else's trash is another (wo)man's treasure"...isn't that what they say? It's true! She is amazing! Happy Birthday, stinky girlfriend.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Would You Wear a 3 Day Old Lamb Carcass?
Here at My dog is funnier than your dog, we love all animals...and their fur! Please visit this link, share and help keep the fur on the animals. This is just unacceptable what is happening to baby Karakul lambs.
3 days old they go to slaughter or sometimes they are taken from the womb, killing mama and baby. |
"why yes, this is a three day old lamb skin I'm sporting" |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Path
Mia and I spent the weekend in Minnesota and took in the autumn sights, sounds and smells. This was one of the photos I took of her leading us through a path of fallen leaves. She was in heaven. I love taking her off the leash to see how she reacts knowing she has total freedom. She charged forward but always turned back and waited to make sure I was right behind her. The best.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Vintage Photo Friday..Cart Dogs
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I love the little puppy by the boys feet looking up at the other dog. |
Dogs have, without a doubt, been working like this for thousands of years. Around the turn of the century animal cruelty activists banned the practice in England and the Netherlands, no doubt because many animals were being mistreated. Dogs were used by poor families who could not afford larger draft animals, and many were worked much harder than they should have been. Recently, dog carting has been reborn as a recreational activity.
Historical information and photos from Sweet Juniper
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